Monthly Archives: November 2020


I am Ashanti Garcia, and I am currently a freshman. At the moment I am undeclared but, along my journey in college I will come up with a decision on the path I think I’m more interested in and that best fits for me in the time being. I’m now currently interested in business and public relations but also might consider environmental science. What I hope to accomplish in college is a sense of direction. In addition, I would like to gain skills that I’m hoping to develop an understanding of in the span of 4 years. Some of the many things I would like to improve in thinking more critically and writing better. And since college is a place where I can learn about a variety of things, I will take advantage of that while I study my intended major. One thing for sure is after college I want to start a business or have already started one. I want to use what I have learned, and my talents combined to make a living and enjoy it while doing so. And of course, I would like to have found a career set for myself and have a variety of jobs I could consider making my career.  

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